Did you miss the U.S. Green Building Council’s Greenbuild Expo this year, or miss out on a few of the speakers? You can now find videos from some of the key presentations online at this linke.
William McDonough had a strong presence at Greenbuild 2012, as we’ve noted in this space. His Master Series: Performance, Outcome, Applause featured a conversation between him and USGBC’s Scot Horst. You can find that video here.
After the new year, we’ll have both this video and the closing plenary video (now accessible through the GBC site, for which you must register) up on our YouTube channel and accessible via this site as well.
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William McDonough + Partners is the architecture and community design practice founded by William McDonough; he is also active with Cradle to Cradle consulting through MBDC and provides CEO and governmental advising through McDonough Advisors.